It's got me thinking though that I need a back-up device. In this day and age, how can I cope without logging on to eBay daily to find a bargain? Or without trawling the Daily Mail for the latest bit of salacious and pointless celeb gossip? Granted, my iPhone is capable of doing both those activities but it's not the same experience as surfing the web with a proper-sized screen, is it?
So it's got me thinking once more about getting an iPad. Yes, I know for a digital dolly, I'm a bit of a late adopter here, but once you've had a kid and money is tight, you think twice about dishing out the dollar for new technology. Everyone I knows raves about them, but is it the right tablet for me? Probably because I want to mostly surf and watch videos on it. However, what if I want to pen part of my novel (that I've been writing for 4 years) while out and about. Maybe I should get one of those tablets with a keyboard as I still don't really like this touch-screen malarkey - oh god, am I getting old?
However, the one MAJOR thing tempting me to buy an iPad is the lovely designer cases you can get for it. How shallow can I be? Well, when it comes to style, the answer is very! And it seems that there are a huge variety of fabulous cases out there - all for the fraction of the price of a handbag by the same designer.
I'm currently coveting (left-right) the pink leather case from YSL for £230; the amazing leopard print number from Dolce & Gabbana for £170 and another pink one (yes, it's my favourite colour) from Mulberry for £165.
So perhaps I should just invest in a case and pretend I've got my iPad - well, at least until my fund situation gets better!