I am behind the times somewhat with this blog entry, but that's what having children does - keeps you one step behind the rest of the world. Well, actually it's more the lergy that they carry that has delayed my blogging - a baby + tummy bug = much mess and chaos!
I was really sad to read about the death of Steve Jobs last week. In his 56 years on this planet he not only changed the way us geeks work and operate, but also how other cooler industries operated.
With the iPod and iTunes he revolutionised the way the music world worked. Us ordinary people out there could no longer be told what to listen to - it created a democracy. I've loved how over the years random hits have got back into the charts, all thanks to iTunes and the power of the people. This did of course affect the industry big time and I've been at the forefront of this - my husband lost his job several times as the industry struggled to adapt to these new advances. He however admits it was time for change and is a fervent iTunes fan, downloading every new track and keeping me up-to-date musically in my baby wilderness years.
Oh, and let's not forget how Mr Jobs also put a big stick of dynamite up the film industry's arse as well! Before his company Pixar got going, animation was almost a dead art - it certainly didn't rake up big bucks at the box office, but thanks to their genius and new digital approach to the medium, it not only became a viable money-maker but also an award winner.
He was a real genius, a one-of-a-kind. Let's just hope there will be a new Jobs out there who can take the next step forward into the digital revolution. I look forward to watching the movie of his life, Sony have just acquired the rights to his forthcoming biography, where I'm sure I'll learn something else about this extraordinary bloke. RIP Steve, you've left a blinder of a legacy.