
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ah, so people are using Linked In!

Whenever I tell people what I do for a living, someone always offers an opinion about a website or more often, a social media site. Most people love Facebook (yes, still) and Twitter, but I always get mixed responses about Linked In.

This has always puzzled me as I love it. It's always done the job for me - i.e. helped me network effectively with peers within in my field. I've been headhunted via it. I've found great companies I want to work with as partners. I've discovered new freelance work via it. I've also rediscovered long lost friends! And it seems I'm not the only one - the company announced only last week that they now have 175 members.

They have had some oops moments along the way - hacked passwords anyone? - but it looks like people are slowly recognising the value of this site.

However, if you're struggling to find a use for it,why not follow these top five tips:

1. Make sure your profile is fully updated. Whether you're using it to find a job or make new connections, if you're profile doesn't have all your details, you may miss out on connecting with some key people.

2. Update your status. This used to be linked to Twitter, but Linked In decided they didn't like Twitter that much so now you have to udpate your status automatically. I've found this great when I've been job hunting or recruiting for new positions.

3. Join groups. Yes, there are some rubbish groups on Linked In, but I've also found some really good ones that offer invaluable opions, share great links and are generally worth joining.

4. Check your connections. We're always making new connections through work - so when you meet someone in person, make sure you connect online. In the past, you used to do this via business cards, but I find Linked In is so much more hassle-free - and you don't have to take wads of cards when you move job!

5. She who's been stalking you. It's a bit hidden in the right-hand menu, but I love seeing who's been accessing my profile. Yes, generally it's friends or people I've worked with, but I have had more unknown peeps have a little eyeball, which prompted me to contact them, and voila a job/exciting new collaboration is born.

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